Equipment for oil and
gas industry

+7 (342) 238-61-01

54 Fominskaya str., Perm

Upgrading of drilling equipment

In modern economic conditions, competition among service companies has become aggravated at the market of drilling services. All the market participants have faced the challenge of companies economic efficiency increase. There are several methods of solving this task, one of them – to cut down the expenses on purchase of new equipment for well drilling and repair due to maximum use of the equipment purchased earlier. It is no secret, that many service companies have a large number of PDM's and turbodrills of overage modifications on their balance, routine repair of which is not reasonable because of their considerable wear and low life restricted by design. Our company suggests service companies use potential of the equipment maximum due to its restoration and upgrading. Depending on the status of bearing sections and complexity of jobs planned for this equipment in the well, there are 2 versions of the bearing section upgrading:

Version 1. Basic upgrading when the sizes of serial housings and shaft are maintained;
The advantage of this version is lesser amount of expenses required for the bearing section restoration to its operational status comparing to the expenses required for purchase of a new bearing section, availability of the bearing section featuring increased life.

Version 2. Enhanced upgrading including updating of serial housings and shafts.
Under this version of upgrading the extra works are: reduction of shaft and housing length due to use of shorter bearings and radial bearings. As the result we get shortened bearing section of enhanced life.

Below are the works on bearing section upgrading:

Works carried out Basic upgrading Enhanced upgrading
Disassembling and washing of bearing section + +
Defectoscopy of shaft, housing, subs + +
Dressing of threads, if required + -
Cutting of housing and shaft thread segments by length of shortened bearing section parts - +
Rethreading of shaft and housing - +
Production of hinge joint parts - +
Production of rigid and adjustable bent housing (parameters are agreed with customer) - +
Installation of bearing and rests of enhanced reliability + +
Assembling with control of thread tightening parameters + +
Painting of bearing section and drawing of repair passport + +