Equipment for oil and
gas industry

+7 (342) 238-61-01

54 Fominskaya str., Perm


To meet customers' requirement regarding our products, we reveal and study their demands and expectations using the information obtained during discussions at shows and conferences as well. Every year the company participates in international shows, following the principle of openness and transparence of its activity.

From time to time we make managed performance of the produced equipment under our supervision to prove its high overhaul period and reliability. Below presented is the information on the most important events in the activity of the company:

The company took part in the 19-th International specialized show of oil and gas industry equipment Surgut. Oil and Gas, which took place in Surgut on September 24 - 26, 2014.

The company participated in the 3-rd Open Research and practice conference Actual problems of construction and repair of oil wells, which was organized in Gelendzhik on September 10 - 12, 2014.

The company took part in 15-th Moscow international show of oil and gas industry equipment Oil & Gas, which was held in Moscow on May 26 - 29, 2014.

The results of managed run of 13 bearing sections of 178 mm diameter PDM’s in the Tatarstan Republic were received and sumarized. Running data are presented in the Table.

The company participated in the 13 Northern Caspian Regional show Atyrau Oil & Gas, which took place in Atyrau on April 1 - 3, 2014.
