Equipment for oil and
gas industry

+7 (342) 238-61-01

54 Fominskaya str., Perm


Being in the front line of advanced technologie of the development and production of drilling equipment, our company cooperates with a huge number of drilling and service companies, whose end customers are the companies given below:

JSC NK Rosneft
JSC Lukoil
JSC Surgutneftegas
JSC Tatneft

Among our partners we can especially mention some companies, the relations with whom have grown to a qualitatively new and higher level of real trust partnership in 2013 - 2015.

PetroEngineering LLC
NPO Bento Technology Ltd.
UK Sistema-Servis Ltd.
Neftserviceholding Ltd.


JSC NGT is grateful to our partners for trust and invites new partners for cooperation. We are open to dialog and always set goal of entering into strategic cooperation with partners.